Speed matters. We see it in the debate over internet neutrality. No one wants to be left in the dust. In business, the need for speed is especially important in protecting trade secrets. Information zips around the world in the blink of an eye and if that information...
Trade Secrets
Trade secret dispute muddies optics for hip glasses retailer
Never underestimate the power of inventorship. That could prove to be one moral of a story that is unfolding in a trade secret dispute in the optical industry. At the heart of the case is one telehealth company's claim that it's been the victim of trade secret theft...
Legal options exist for seeking trade secret protection
In May of this year, the country marked the first anniversary of the enactment of the Defend Trade Secrets Act. The intent of the measure was to give companies an expanded menu of ways to protect their secrets against misappropriation by opening the door to federal...
Patent protection vs. trade secrets: a brief look at some relevant considerations, P.2
Last time, we mentioned that it is not always possible or desirable to obtain patent protection for valuable business information and that trade secret protection can provide a viable and even preferable alternative to patent protection in some cases. We'd like to...
Patent protection vs. trade secrets: a brief look at some relevant considerations, P.1
In our previous post, we briefly discussed some of the differences between utility and design patents. As we noted, patent protection isn’t necessarily limited to a single type of patent; in some cases, it may be desirable to obtain both a utility and a design...
Businesses: carefully consider differences between state, federal trade secret protections
In previous posts, we've looked very briefly at trade secret protections available to businesses under both state and federal law. As we've noted, there are many similarities between federal and state trade secret protection law, but there are also some differences...
Trade secret protections available at both state, federal level, P.2
In a previous post, we took a brief look at California’s Uniform Trade Secrets Act, and some of the basic features it provides to businesses in terms of trade secret protection. As we noted last time, businesses rather recently gained the ability to enforce...
Trade secret protections available at both state, federal level
When many people think of intellectual property protections, they think of trademark, copyright and patent protection. While these protections are certainly important, there is another form of intellectual property protection that businesses actually rely on more...
The importance of protecting trade secrets
Trade secrets are an important component of a business that requires protection. Generally, trade secrets include information that has economic value and is not publicly known. It is important to take reasonable steps to keep trade secrets from being revealed and to...
On protecting your trade secrets
With today's rapidly advancing technologies, it is not uncommon for a product, whether it is a physical object or even software to be obsolete by the time it hits the market. Business is as competitive as ever, and it is not uncommon for employees in one industry to...